Data Processing Information

Name, registered office and company registration No. of Controller

CGP Europe Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
H-1024 Budapest, Ady Endre utca 19., HUNGARY
Cg. 01-09-965048
The personal data provided by you will be processed by the Controller on the basis of your freely given, explicit, specific, informed and unambiguous consent.

Purpose of the data processing

To provide „Employee Assistance Program” (EAP) service to the Employer’s employees and to their close relatives (Users), in order to survey, prevent, reduce or eliminate the exposure of Users to psychosomatic risks at their workplace and in their personal environment.
The legal basis for the data processing: Controller will process the personal data on the basis of the natural person User's freely given and unambiguous consent and Controller will process special data potentially disclosed by User to the Controller, upon User's request and in line with User's explicit and unambiguous consent.

Free consent to the data processing

All eligible persons use the EAP service voluntarily, at their discretion, after interpreting and accepting the terms of this privacy notice and the Privacy Policy.

Scope of data processed

During the delivery of the EAP Service, Controller will process only the data that are indispensable for the provision of EAP Service on the basis of the Users' consent, the applicable legal regulations and the provisions of this privacy notice and the Privacy Policy.
In doing so, Controller acts so that the anonymity of Users is ensured as far as possible, thus neither the provider nor any person or organization participating in the provision of the EAP Service or any third party may become aware of the Users' identity.

Scope of the data processed

  • User’s first name;
  • User’s phone number and/or e-mail address;
  • the User's unique identification number generated by Controller, which consists of the company name of the User’s employer and the exact time of the inquiry;
  • the description of the problem or question outlined by User with reference to User's voluntary account;
  • Special data potentially disclosed by User to the Controller, which Controller processes upon User's request and in line with User's explicit and unambiguous consent.

Data transferring

EAP service is provided by the Controller with the involvement of subcontractors having the required expertise (psychologist, lawyer (attorney), financial expert). By using the EAP service, the User gives his or her explicit consent to the transfer of the provided personal data to the subcontractor having expertise in the given field.
Controller is required to comply with the data transfer obligations set out in legal regulations.
Apart from the above, the Controller may transfer data only if the data subject has given his or her explicit and unambiguous consent thereto.

The possible consequences of failure to provide personal data

Controller can not deliver the EAP service to the User.

Retention period

Controller processes the data concerning the User for the period necessary for the provision of EAP Service and the related settlement of accounts with the Partners but not longer than three months.
Consent to data processing is freely given and may be withdrawn at any time without any limitation and justification, free of charge.
The withdrawal statement (containing identification data) may be made by any of the below ways:
CGP Europe Kft.:
postal address: H-1024 Budapest, Ady Endre utca 19., Hungary
You are entitled to request information on the processing of your personal data on any of the above contacts, you are also entitled to request the rectification and erasure of your personal data and to prevent Controller from contacting you in the future or from processing or transferring your data in any way.

Data Protection Officer

Data subjects may contact the Data Protection Officer with regard to all issues related to processing of their personal data and to the exercise of their rights specified by the relevant legal regulations.
Name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer appointed by the Controller:
Szabolcs Peter Sója
postal address: H-1024 Budapest, Ady Endre utca 19., Hungary


By using the EAP service, you acknowledge the terms of this privacy notice and the Privacy Policy of the Controller, and your specific, informed and unambiguous consent is freely given to the processing of your personal data as described above, furthermore to the transferring of such data as per this privacy notice and the Privacy Policy of the Controller.
You may submit your complaints regarding your further rights related to data processing to Controller according to the Privacy Policy published on the Controller’s website.
Further information and terms of data processing is included in the Privacy Policy of the Controller, which is available at the following website, or will be provided by the Controller, upon request:

Legal Remedy Options

  1. Should any questions or concern arise related to the data processing or data transferring proceedings of CGP Europe Kft., do not hesitate to contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO) in any of the availabilities listed in section #20. Your questions related to data protection will be answered by the Data Protection Officer, your issues or complaints will be investigated in cooperation with the Data Controller and you will be informed upon the findings;
  2. Should data subject’s rights be violated, data subject may turn to court against the Controller. In the case of court action, the Court will proceed forthwith. No charge duties are levied on court proceedings related to personal data protection.
  3. Subject may forward its complaints to the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. (mailing address: 1363 Budapest, Pf.: 9; address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa u. 9-11).

Budapest, 25 May 2018

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